Protecting Your Child's Future with Our Legal Services
Van Cleaf & McCormack Law Firm understands that divorce is a very traumatic time for you and your family, especially when children are involved. For a parent like you, we know that you want what's best for your child. That's why it's important to have someone on your side who knows how to represent you and your child's interests.
With more than 22 years of experience, we are here to help you settle your case in the best way possible. We provide 24/7 emergency legal services. Contact us today!

Iowa Child Custody Law
It's very important to have knowledge about the state law before you enter into a child custody battle. Did you know that the state of Iowa requires that parents involved in a custody dispute take a course about the effects of divorce on children within forty-five (45) days of the custody order being entered?
Under Iowa law, courts must order a child custody award including liberal visitation rights so that the child is able to maintain a relationship with each parent. The court may order:
Sole custody – where one parent has legal custody rights
Joint custody – where both parents have legal custody rights, even if the child lives with only one parent
Joint physical care – where both parents have joint custody and parenting time

What Do the Iowa Family Law Courts Consider When Awarding Child Custody Rights?
The suitability of each parent
The safety of the child or the other parent
The geographic proximity of the parents
Whether the parents agree to joint custody
The psychological and emotional development of the child
The parent’s ability to communicate with each other about the child
Each parent’s level of care for the child before and since the separation
Whether each parent can support the other’s relationship with the child
The child’s wishes, taking into account the child’s age and maturity